Add components to a supplier
To link a supplier to a stored component, search the desired supplier in the All Suppliers overview. All data stored for the selected supplier can be seen here at a glance. You will also be shown whether your supplier may already be linked to components.
If you want to link a supplier to an existing component, you can do this quickly by choosing a supplier and then clicking on the Link existing component button. Clicking on the button will open a dialog window. Simply select the desired component from the appropriate category and location and confirm your selection with Save. The component is already assigned to your supplier. It's easy, isn't it?

Identify potential for improvement
You can request product-related emission declarations from the suppliers created in SiGREEN with little effort. If evidence is missing, you can also enter secondary data such as estimated PCF or database values for your components. Together with the emissions from your own production, you aggregate the complete CO2 footprint of your product. This way, you can identify potential for optimization and reduce emissions in a targeted manner.