Company configuration
Basic information about your company can be created and changed easily via the Configure section.
To customize your company data, click on your Avatar and then on the Configure option. There are three sub-tabs:
User Management sub-tab: here you can invite other users to join your SiGREEN company account. This can be done in bulk or manually.
Company Information sub-tab: here you can view your company's address and contact information and easily adjust it in case of changes.
In the Business Unit section you have the possibility to create business units. A business unit is an organizational division or department within a company that can be assigned to product managers and product families. This way, Company Admins can control which products other product managers can view/edit. This allows only the product managers within the assigned business unit to view and edit the products within the product family.
In the Factories section you can add all your manufacturing locations, this is an important step and must be done before you start adding products to your SiGREEN account. A Factory is the name of a city/country of the different manufacturing locations / factories of the company.
In the Product Identifier Type, Component Identifier Type and the Supplier Identifier Type sections you can assign a unique code type used within the organization, and align these "types" according to the company’s internal systems.
At the bottom section of this tab you can delete your entire company account if needed.
Deleting my company account
When using SiGREEN your data privacy is our priority. You can delete your company's information easily.
First, remember that only company admins can delete the company information in SiGREEN. Therefore, if your user doesn't have those rights please request your company admin to delete the account.
To delete your company data, click on your Avatar and then on the Configure option.
Navigate to the Company information tab and scroll down, on the bottom of this tab you will find the option to Delete my entire company account from SiGREEN.