Create products
You can maintain and manage your product's PCF information dynamically and securely in SiGREEN.

Let's get started- product portfolio
To create your own products, navigate to your Product Portfolio. To help you structure your products, your Company Admin most likely has created product families, which you can see in the overview.
Select the appropriate product family for your product by clicking on the corresponding tile – all existing products of the family will now be displayed in a table.
If you don't have any product families, start with creating a product family.

Creating a product made easy
The product overview shows all the products available for your company and corresponding business unit. In addition, you can use the search box above the overview to find a specific product. You can also filter based on production locations/factories.
To create a new product, click on the + Add Product button, you can either use the bulk upload option or add them manually one by one.
If you choose to do it manually, click on the Add manually button. A window with different fields will open up. Simply fill it out the required information and with one click on the Save button your product will be created.