Table of contents
A set of descriptions for SiGREEN terminology is defined below, this terms are in compliance with Pathfinder terminology and where SiGREEN differs a crosscheck is as well explained.
Allocation Attributable ProcessSystem BoundaryCO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent):Carbon Transparency PartnershipCradle-to-gate PCFCut-off approach Data qualityDeclared unitDownstream emissionsOwn emissionsEmission factorGreenhouse gases (GHGs)InputLife cycleLife cycle assessment (LCA)Life cycle emissionsComponentComponent identifier ValueProduct Identifier TypeComponent Identifier TypeSupplier Identifier TypeMulti-input/ multi-output processOutputPathfinder NetworkPrimary DataProductProduct carbon footprint (PCF)Product categoryProduct category rules (PCRs)Product identifierRaw materialSecondary dataSerial numberUnit processUpstream emissionsUse phaseValue chainWasteUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID)