Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is an automatically generated ID, consisting of a 36-character alphanumeric string that can be used to identify information. A standard UUID code contains 32 hex digits along with 4 “-” symbols, which makes its length equal to 36 characters. From V1.11.0, all APIs (Components, Product, Supplier, and Link-supplier) will use system generated IDs (UUID) for all entities with some exceptions (Offsetting, Factory Emissions, BOM, and Create PCF beta API's).

As a procurement/product manager, it is now possible to view the UUIDs of your Products, Components, and Suppliers and you can copy/paste them from the Details page.

The UUID is based on several key considerations:

1. Unique Identification

Companies often utilize diverse schemes to define and manage their internal identifiers for components, suppliers, products, and other entities. To accommodate these varied company-specific rules and ensure consistent unique identification within our platform, we have introduced system-defined UUIDs. These UUIDs provide a reliable and standardized method to uniquely identify individual objects within SiGREEN.

2. Automated UUID Assignment

Whenever a new component, product, supplier, or any other entity is created within SiGREEN platform, the system automatically generates and assigns a UUID to that object. This ensures that every object can be uniquely identified throughout the application without any manual intervention.

3. Alignment with Industry Standards

We have observed that many Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) standards are increasingly adopting the use of UUIDs to define products and components. By implementing UUIDs as the default identification method on SIGREEN platform, we align our practices with these emerging industry standards, enhancing the compatibility and future-proofing of our application.

4. Seamless User Experience

While navigating and using the web interface of SIGREEN platform, users do not need to actively find or remember these UUIDs. The application manages all identification processes automatically, providing a seamless user experience. However, for users who wish to leverage our advanced features such as bulk uploads or APIs, the use of UUIDs becomes essential. These advanced features require UUIDs to accurately identify and update your data on SiGREEN platform.